Geiv Tomço

A Computer Science graduate and professional, Geiv is one of the most active individuals and lecturers in the tech community in Albania, with 10+ years of experience in Software and Hardware of various technologies and platforms.

Benefits of Game Design course

We are starting the new season 2023-2024 with a few new course programs, one of them being Game Design for which we have had many requests from parents and children alike. This doesn’t come as a surprise, as nowadays it’s becoming really common for entertainment and education to be closely…

Filloni me edukimin STEM sa më herët

Starting STEM education as early as possible

At SmartKids, we truly believe in the impact that the children will have on the future of everyone that will ever live. Our business is built on the principles of offering education as early as possible and we are constantly developing and adapting new methodologies, either coming from abroad or…

Moduli më i ri: Robotikë

Introducing: Robotics

SmartKids™ now offers a new course: Robotics! This module is all about improving practical skills, learn how to program robots, improve imagination and problem-solving skills, sequential logic and eye-motor coordination; all by playing and having fun individually and in groups! This module was challenging to implement, as it can be…
